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Haiti – Economy : Budget 2011-2012 of the Republic of Haiti, 119,6 billion gourds

Posted by On January - 28 - 2012 Comments Off on Haiti – Economy : Budget 2011-2012 of the Republic of Haiti, 119,6 billion gourds

For the second year, the Haitian Government budget exceeds 100 billion gourds. For fiscal year 2011-2012, the draft law on the budget, stood at 119,8 billion gourdes (± 3 billion dollars), a 11% increase on the 2010-2011 budget which amounted to 106,3 billion gourds (in french) This draft bill will now be submitted to Parliament and will be discussed, possibly amended before being voted.

Mr. Lemercier Georges, the Minister of Economy and Finance informed that important changes had been made in the elaboration of this budget, that it is decentralized with allocations by department. He indicated that in the 2011-2012 budget, the reduction of poverty through social programs, the increase in capacity for work and entrepreneurship of young people, the development of jobs are objectives targeted. In terms of employment he states that “an employment growth of 9% is possible.” In addition, the Minister assured that steps will be taken to establish a rule of law in the country, which will enable the public to have access to basic services, to receive a fair trial and to evolve in safe conditions throughout the country.

On Thursday, the Minister of Economy and Finance, during a meeting with the private sector, civil society and members of Parliament, presented the budget of the Republic for the fiscal year 2011-2012 “…in general people consider the budget as an instrument at the service of the State, while that through the budget, the State makes decisions to allow its agents, so to the citizens to know what it does. The idea today was to open a space for communication with the business sector, which is primarily affected within the framework of the implementation of the budget. To tell them now, we are preparing a budget that will be deposited in parliament, you are part of the implementation of that budget, you are involved in decisions to be taken, try to inform us because we must work together. We launches the idea, we told them : when the President says it is a public-private partnership is not just a word […] it is in this context that I presented myself, to inform them on the direction we’re going to put in the bill on the budget which is under discussion and, at that time, they are aware, they can give us comments, considerations that we can take into account or not, but we know that there will be some dialogue […]”

Categories: Haiti Political News

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