The Embassy of Japan in Haiti takes pleasure to inform that Wednesday, December 21, 2011, held the Inauguration ceremony of the project of treatment of the “Ravine Fond Diable” to Carrefour-Feuilles. A project conducted by
the Youth Foundation of Morne Hospital (FJMH), a Non Governmental Organization. Was present Mr. Kentaro Minami Ambassador of Japan, Mr. Ludner Remarais the Departmental Director of the Department of Environment and Mr. Luckner Registry Coordinator of FJMH.
This project of an amount of USD$97.208, is part of the program of “aid to local micro-projects that contribute to human safety” (APL) of Japanese government.
he nature of the project can be summarized in four main points :
- The protection and the correction of about 1.800 meters of gully, thus ensuring the prevention of disaster risk in the area of Canapé-Vert;
- Planting of 18.040 seedlings of orange on the immediately slopes, necessary to ensure the ecological balance of watersheds in the area;
- The construction of 130 thresholds, in terms of strategy to secure areas corrected;
- The acquisition of equipment necessary to carry out this work.
- This is a project for which the benefits will be established both in the short term than in the long term. Indeed, thelocalities of Carrefour-Feuilles, Bas Peu de Choses as well as the downtown of Port-au-Prince can now record smaller losses of plants and livestock during heavy rains causing floods and landslides proved fatal many times.