Sorel Jacinthe the President of the Chamber of Deputies, seems visibly frustrated that of members of the team of President Martelly, attempts to reach consensus with a majority of Parliament, while the two presidents of chambers (Senate and Deputies) seem to be sidelined for now in this process.
Intentionally mixing the role of the presidential team and that of the Head of State which is to designate in consultation with the President of both houses the next candidate for Prime Minister’s Office, the President of the Lower House in a statement Tuesday, trying to make believe that now the approach of President Martelly is unconstitutional…
“…until now I received no call, no consultation, I received no calls from the Secretariat or the President himself who called me in consultation… the President takes his time and I understand […] President of the Republichas the liberty of his mouth, but I think that we should be clear at the level of the Constitution, […] it is the President of the Republic who chose his Prime Minister in consultation with the presidents of both chambers, so the question of a commission or some responsible of negotiations, this is not what the Constitution says. I await the call of the President of the Republic or of his secretariat for this consultation and the Chamber of deputies that I lead also awaiting…”
Why is the President of the Chamber of Deputies want suggest that the President Martelly has delegated to his team the authority to select the next candidate for Prime Minister’s Office ? Why today, the presidential team, which is in place since before the rejection of former Prime Minister-designate, Me Gousse, disturbs more today than yesterday ?
This is the second time in few day that Sorel Jacinthe made public statements [on a certain form of isolation from the President], remarks that for some observers, cast doubt and do not contribute to create a favourable climate to the emergence of a majority needed. For his part, the Senator Rodolphe Joazile, President of the Senate holds the same language “Firstly the President of the Republic has not yet contacted me for consultation, secondly, I do not have to sit with any commission [or team], this is not what the law mother [the Constitution] of the country said.”