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Sophia Martelly in the North Department

Posted by On July - 26 - 2011 Comments Off on Sophia Martelly in the North Department

The First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, Ms. Sophia Martelly has conducted, Sunday, July 24, 2011, a tour in the North Department, more particularly to Quartier Morin, Plaine du Nord and to Milot, to talk with people and meet some associations of women working in the social

The First Lady visited to Quartier Morin, in the town of Carrefour La mort, the Hospital of the Baptist Convention, a hospital, including among others a Cholera Treatment Centre (CTC) and a rehabilitation center for people with physical deficits. She also met with the departmental director of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP – North) and executives of the Baptist Convention of Haiti and discussed the needs of the community in health care.

Martelly Sophia, as she had promised, accompanied by the Deputy Etienne Marie Jossie [constituency Milot / Plaine du Nord] paid a visit to these populations. At the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall, she listened the concerns of citizens who have also complained of being sidelined of the Haitian politics. But they were satisfied with this visit which is a first in the history of the city.

The First Lady took the opportunity to visit the new building of the Lycée Oswald Durand of Plaine du Nord. Aware of the requirements of the zone in terms of school infrastructure, the First Lady promised to work alongside the Head of State to meet the needs of people in school infrastructure.

Late in the afternoon, she visited the Fire Department of Cap-Haitien. She inquired about the functioning of the institution. Ms. Martelly continues her tour in the north of the country and provides other working meetings this Monday, July 25.

Categories: Haiti Political News

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