Repéré par Claire Levenson Les «Guevedoces» ont une carence génétique qui retarde leur poussée de testostérone. Dans un village isolé de République dominicaine, environ un enfant sur cinquante naît avec des organes génitaux de fille avant de développer un pénis à la puberté. La BBC a consacré une partie d’un documentaire d’une heure à [ Read More ]

A U.S. man who helped build a trauma center in Haiti was in critical condition Friday at a hospital in Florida after being robbed and shot in Port-au-Prince.
Expert answer Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, this is the perfect time to answer this question
Taking two aspirins a day reduced the risk of colorectal cancer by more than 60% in people with a family history of the disease, a large study shows.
They’re man’s best friend, but dogs, it turns out, may also be a doctor’s newest secret weapon for detecting cancer.