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Haiti – Politic : A government next week

Posted by On July - 24 - 2011 Comments Off on Haiti – Politic : A government next week

Yesterday Friday on the sidelines of the 7th meeting of the Board of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) the President Martelly declared “…we got results [after the meeting Thursday evening between the President and the Group of 16 opposed to Me Gousse] because the idea was not to give reason to Michel Martelly or to the Group of 16.

the idea was to get together to unlock Haiti, because it is Haiti, which suffers, I think soon we will give a model of collaboration so that we be able to put, as we have promised a government in place next week, the idea is to have a government to manage the country so that the policy of the President can be applied […] there is some delay that disturbs, a President who disturbs the parliament, the donors, it is a reality the power changed since two months but unfortunately not everything is in place to facilitate the progress […] we promise you that by the end of next week we will have a government…

The President martelly had declared his optimism on Thursday afternoon “…I am optimistic about Mr. Gousse, since the other day, I said, I try not to offend anyone, I said that there is 50% chance. I continue to believe that through negotiations we can win the wars, not all wars are won with weapons, there are great battles which are won with pens, the victory is obtained seated around a table…”

For his part the Senator Evallière Beauplan says “…concretely I think that a positive step is taken to the extent where we have understood the need for us to retract […] in a few days, the nation will know who will be the Prime Minister, it will be Bernard Gousse, I take my precautions to not say yes or no, but there will be a Prime Minister who does not pose a problem […] a Prime Minister who will be ratified in parliament […] this week we will give a Prime Minister, and in the week we will ratify a Prime Minister to give to the country a government, a government that will be able to work, in order to solve the problems of the Haitian people…”

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